Clinical Universe
Linking all your medical devices to your medical record system

ONDAS is a software application that links medical POCT devices to computerised patient information systems.
This overcomes a major impediment for many users and device manufacturers as their devices often have no way to connect to computerised patient information systems without ONDAS.
Key Features
ONDAS is a utility program that can run on any PC, adjacent to the POCT equipment. It handles the capture, identification and recording of test results; creates patient identifiers; efficiency; and assists quality certification to obtain accreditation for reimbursement from insurers.
ONDAS’s key innovation has been its design to support the “cottage industry” end of the medical market.
ONDAS contrasts with other POC software products in that it is:
A common tool for all: it is an independent generic product, not an in-house product from a device manufacturer. This means that it is not confined to just the products of one manufacturer.
Easy to install: because POCT devices are used in small practices, in remote areas or in the developing world.
Suitable for secure transmission of results: with encryption as appropriate, to present test results to the central system or local clinical system in relevant format. This not only offers formatted test reports for transmission; but also atomic details of pathology test results suitable for storage in clinical databases and later analysis.
Multi-lingual: engineered multi-lingual capability is inherent in the design of ONDAS. It can switch screens to the preferred language of the user. We have already demonstrated screen function in German, Norwegian, Japanese, Chinese and English, with more able to be added as needed.
Compliant with privacy and testing standards: ONDAS conforms to all necessary testing and health data transmission standards, including HL7, UK NHS EDIFACT, ebXML and POCT1-A. Privacy may be enhanced using “pass through” mode.